Blogging is an important aspect to any business. Blogs help drive traffic, create engagement and build industry expertise. A blog must be updated consistently for it to be successful. Coming up with blog posts topics can be a challenge and sometimes overwhelming. I’ve been blogging for over 4 years now and it hasn’t really made it any easier to think of topics. So that’s what inspired me to write this blog post….

6 Ways to Find Topics Idea for Blog Posts

6 Simple Ways to Find Topic Ideas for Blog Posts

Find Inspiration on Social Media

Searching on social media networks such as Twitter and Facebook can supply you with plenty of fresh ideas. Check out the latest trends in the social network of your choice and see if anything is related to your market.

Read the News

Pick up a newspaper or check your favourite news site (mine’s Google News) and see if there are any stories relevant to your target market. Add you opinion and spin to get people chatting.

Interaction with Readers

When visitors come to your site and comment on your blog, they create content for you. A lot of times they have questions for you, you can take those questions and turn them into blog posts.  Encourage comments and always ask questions at the end of your blog posts to create engagement for future posts.

6 Ways to Find Topics Idea for Blog Posts


How-tos are some of the most frequently searched content on the web. What does your target market want to learn how to do? Write about it.

Keep a List

There’s nothing worse than coming up with a great idea and then forgetting it seconds later. I have papers and pens everywhere and jot down ideas whenever they come to me. I keep a notebook in Evernote with all my ideas. I may never use some of them, but they are there in case. Create a place where you can keep all your ideas, so that you can record them, whenever they happen.


Interview someone who your readers will be interested in. It’s a different type of post and creates high value content for your readers. If the interviewee is a blogger as well make sure to let them know when your post goes live so they can share it with their readers too.

I hope these ideas help you come up with topics for future blog posts. It’s important to be consistent in your blogging efforts because people will forget you and move on.


Where do you get inspiration from for your blog posts?


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